06 January 2009

new year, new things coming!

hello all, and happy new year!

i am quite amazed at 2008. what a monumental year for me! i began my last full year as a student while planning my wedding and leading a Bible study for some incredible girls. then came June, quicker than i could have imagined, and i had the privilege of marrying my best friend. life has been quite amazing since then! living life with william is BEST. then came summer school, working at the crippen's, and then my last semester of school. summer and autumn were beautiful and fun, and december came quickly! graduation, christmas, my birthday, and the new year. wow, what a whirlwind.

all the while i have been developing and growing my passion - photography. i graduated with a degree in technical photography and a minor in spanish from appstate, and now that life has slowed down a little i have some exciting things coming! i am very excited to see what 2009 holds.

firstly, a new website. i am working on it now and it should be up within the next few weeks. keep your eyes peeled! it's going to be awesome!

secondly, i am now using a new and improved album company. they are custom, flush mount albums made with super soft leather in a variety of colors. they are clean, professional, and look something like...

so all in all, i am very excited. tonight i am up working on my website, but as one of my new years resolutions it to go to bed earlier, i should probably finish up pretty soon here :).

speaking of new years resolutions, here are a few of mine:

• go to bed earlier. i don't know why i'm such a night owl but i am.
• get to know God more. know Him deeply. know Him daily.
• make more of an effort to be healthy. (i just bought wheat flour and fresh vegetables!)
• live simply. i'm currently reading Freedom of Simplicity by Richard J. Foster
and it's changing my world.

well, i'm off to website designing! blessings to you this new year!


Mary Lindsey said...

i am excited about the new changes around the corner for you! those albums look like they are amazing!!!!! I want one :-) also, love your new years resolutions - going to bed earlier is the best!

love you.


Megan said...

howwwly cowww, I love these photographers! Especially Jasmine Star; she's so fun. I have been in such a de-motivated photography funk lately, and now I feel so refreshed! I can't wait to hear all about your blossoming photography career-- let's hang out next time you are around! And I can't wait to see your new website. I'm in the process of building a new one too!

leah said...

NANCY! I've been meaning to write you a comment, I love seeing all your photo work. You are so talented!! I wanted to see if you might be able to share the company that you order your wedding albums through?! I've been searching for one to do mine with, and have found a couple but was just curious what you used!!