24 May 2009

my evening

so i have the evening to myself, and i did all sorts of things i love, including:

-watching gilmore girls
-burning my clean cotton yankee candle
-drinking diet caffeine free cheerwine
-eating dinner on the couch
-updating my blog
-talking with my sister for an hour-ish
-stalking my favorite blogs {including but not limited to: sissy, simply bloom, millie, jose, & love affair}

and now i've hit the boredom wall.  i'm usually pretty good about keeping myself entertained, but i'm bored.  hubby is at work 'till 11:30, so i have 2 hours to kill.  there is plenty of photography to do, and i have been working on that some today.  but since it's sunday, i try to rest and stick to household & fun activities.  now i need to think of things that i can/should/want to/need to do...

-paint my fingernails
-take a shower
-read one of the 3 books i'm currently reading {freedom of simplicity, guerilla marketing, the millionaire next door}
-read one of the 3 magazines i'm currently reading {real simple, martha stewart living, rangefinder}
-fill out this rebate form that has been staring at me for a week
-decorate my planner
-write a handwritten note
-finish some upcoming website updates
-try to beat will's high score in flight control (lame, i know) 

list-making always helps... now i am inspired.

and with that i say, goodnight!

{photo credit: Antonis Achilleos}


Stephanie said...

Do you realize how adorable you are? Just askin...and i love you. =]

Joy said...

though you posted this awhile ago, i love your ways of entertaining yourself while will is away, i will have to copy you :)